Just wanted to let the family know of an awesome opportunity I have just been offered.
The baby product and review website/company Baby Gizmo just offered me a writers position with them! I will be contributing to their site twice a week, writing about anything from product reviews to activities to do with kids, to parenting tips and tricks and more. It's a pretty flexible position and I'm really excited.
I really feel like how this opportunity came about is a very obvious example that there is a Father in Heaven who is aware of us and our needs and worries.
Having just moved to Herriman, I have been feeling really lonely and down lately. I don't know anyone here and all my efforts to get play dates together with my neighbors and their toddlers have fallen flat. I love staying home with Adalynn, but being home all alone, all day long, with only a 2 year old to talk to has always been tough for me. I used to work for Puppies for Rent when we were in Provo and that job helped pull me out of my postpartum depression because it gave me a purpose outside the home. It gave me appointments I had to keep and other people depending on me, and I got to interact with adults on a daily basis, while still allowing me to stay with Adalynn and watch her grow. So I was worried what life would be like once we moved and I had to quit.
Well, a few months ago, I discovered Baby Gizmo's facebook page and really liked their articles and giveaway opportunities. A few weeks ago, I saw their post about having a writer's position available that would be low stress, can do it from home, just a few times a week, etc. I got excited because here is another chance for me to help provide a little more income while not having to leave Adalynn or this new baby! But for the next few days, something was keeping me from applying. Every time I'd open a word document to write the cover letter and sample product review they were asking for, I would hit a wall and would get really discouraged and feel really anxious. Thoughts that I wouldn't be good enough kept creeping in. So I decided not to apply. But then I'd feel guilty for not applying. (I really feel like Satan was creeping in, making me doubt myself, but then Heavenly Father was pulling me the other way, reminding me of this opportunity) It was very confusing. Finally, I wised up and prayed about it, pouring out my doubts and worries to Heavenly Father and asking for his help. After that, I felt encouraged to at least try. He opened my thoughts up to help me get past my writers block and I was able to bust out that sample product review for them and get applied!
It was all positive feedback from there. Hollie, the founder of the company, is who I had been emailing and she said they loved my product review, asked for me to fill out an application, and then later asked for another writing sample piece so they could hear my writers voice and personality a little more. Within the next day of having mailed that last piece, Hollie emailed setting up a time for us to talk on the phone.
Today we talked and she said, "We loved your application, we loved your article, and we'd love to have you join our team!"
Anyways, this all has built up my testimony EVEN MORE about how amazing Heavenly Father is at knowing each one of us, our worries, or insecurities, and how to help us have faith in ourselves. This job will be just what I need--a little extra income to take some stress off our finances, a chance for me to do something I enjoy (writing), and an obligation outside of Adalynn to keep me on track, without taking me away from her.
I'm still waiting to hear back on when I'll start writing, but it sounds like it will be soon. I will be posting probably every Tuesday and Thursday, Hollie said. So if you'd like to read anything I get published, you can go to BabyGizmo.com!
I don't know about anyone else, but I can't read the text on this page. How can we change that?
highlight to read.
It's a fun secret spy message! The Gibbons clan blog contains material MUCH too sensitive to display un-coded!
-Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS!! :-D That's so cool, so are you officially a 'Writer' or are they giving you the 'Contributor' title?
PPS- Give Adalynn a big Happy Birthday hug for us!
Adalynn liked the birthday hug! ...For about 2 seconds. Then she was done.
As far as I know, I'll be given the "writer" title, since I will be regularly published twice a week. The "contributors" are the ones who only write for BG every once and while.
So cool!! Another published writer in the family!! So proud of my little sister,v and enjoyed the testimony and reminder of the tender mercies of the Lord :D Love you, Heather!!
You can read my mini-bio on their "About" page
My first articles will be published sometime this week! (One is a product review on the 4moms mamaRoo swing and the other is an article titled, "When you love, but don't like, your toddler"
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