Wednesday, February 4

Adalynn turned one!

Here are some pictures from Adalynn's birthday. Can't believe she's one already!

Her birthday breakfast of eggs, raspberry pancakes, and grapes

We went to the park by our apartment so I could get some pictures of her. I'm no Greg's Heather but I thought a few turned out good!

I totally failed writing "Birthday girl Addi" (Adalynn wouldn't fit) so we just stuck her candle over it

She gives "forehead kisses" by laying her head against yours, which I think might be better than getting a face-full of slobber haha


Ricki said...

Reminds me of her Mother many years ago when she was our baby. Love that she is already sharing birthday cake with her Daddy. Sending lots and lots of love.
Grandpa and Grandma Gibbons

Dave said...

Thanks for posting these! What an adorable little angel! Happy Birthday Adalynn!

Magi said...

Cute baby!