Tuesday, February 24

Change in calling!

I realized that many of you may not have heard, but I was released from being bishop about a month ago!  It was really a bitter/sweet thing.  Honestly, it was much sadder than I thought it would be.  But I am over that now and thrilled with the extra time I have!  I am really enjoying being home more and even riding my bike a bit!  The same day I was released I was called onto the High Council and given a ward assignment and about eight other responsibilities.  So it is good, a new adventure.  Love you all!


Ricki said...

Always work to be done in the Kingdom! Glad your time has loosened up some.

Dave said...

We sure love you, Tom! I'm sure your ward will miss you as Bishop.

Leighann Batemon said...

There is no rest for active members :D But it is eternally wonderful that we have so many opportunities to progress!! And help others along the way, too! :D