Saturday, March 14

Ryder Norman Gibbons

Just to make sure everyone gets the message ---
Greg and Heather's baby boy arrived Fri, March 13 at 10:03pm. He weighed 9 lbs 9 oz (almost as big as his daddy was!) and was 20 inches long. They named him Ryder Norman (Norman was Heather's dad's name).
But later when they checked his glucose level, it was very low. The minimum number is supposed to be at least 45, with optimum in the 70's. Ryder's was only 35. Heather nursed him and they gave him some formula and it rose to 39, but remained too low. So he is in the NeoNatal Intensive Care unit at St. Mary's Hospital in Apple Valley.  He has an IV in and they are giving him antibiotics. They are doing blood tests to see if there is infection or if it's diabetes or nothing but adjusting to life.  They expect him to be in NICU for a few days.
The whole family comes together in prayer at times like these.
I am flying out to CA in the morning to help with the girls.

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