Wednesday, April 15

The last little while.

 Matt camping on the beach with the scouts.
 Happy baptism day!
Hiking in Wrightwood


Ricki said...

Thanks for posting! We love this family!

Mark said...

Man, what a post! So much great stuff going on. We miss hanging out with you guys. Anna is looking so much like you, Magi! And you look like you've lost weight, Tom. Look great.

Dave said...

Wish we could have been there for your baptisms Lucy and Emma! We love you guys!

Leighann Batemon said...

Aw, I miss you guys!! Always so active and out doing-- you're making wonderful memories for your family! Is hiking tough on allergies for any of the kids, or is Tommy the only one allergic? Missouri pollens are kicking my butt right now-- it is crazy how high the pollen counts are, and even with all the windows closed I still get puffy, swollen eyes, headaches and itchy throat, nose, mouth... ::Sigh:: Anyway, wish I could have been there to see Emma and Lucy get baptized! All the kids are looking so grown up and mature!!