Sunday, March 8

New Calling

Okay, so now it is official-- I was set apart as my ward's Relief Society President today, and because it was such a sweet experience I wanted to share it with you all.

I began to panic a little on Saturday when I told my roommates about my calling and they both had reacted as if I had told them my whole family died. So I began to worry, even so much that when they announced it and I stood to be sustained I felt on the verge of tears. After sacrament Bishop told us that he wanted to set us apart immediately, and asked me to round up the girls. The whole presidency was there, ready, and he said he never had a whole presidency ready to be set apart at once and so organized, which helped my nervousness a little.

In my setting apart blessing I was promised I would have the health and strength to do all that was asked of me as I continued my education and career goals alongside this calling. I was also promised that I would be able to provide comfort to those I serve, knowing both the known needs and the unspoken needs. I thought that was a really beautiful promise. As I took my seat and the setting aparts continued, each time one of the girls took the seat they smiled at me so large and genuinely, and I felt their love and support as only the Spirit could communicate those feelings. It was so beautiful, we left the office all laughing together. They told me that they were so excited to be serving, and I can see how they mean it! My first counselor even went with me to take my visiting teachee home! I feel so blessed to have such an amazing presidency, and feel so grateful for all the blessings of the gospel. In fact, I feel like a missionary again! I love that I have been given an opportunity to serve the Lord once again on a level like this, and feel so grateful for His guiding promises and blessings! Isn't it beautiful what we have? :D Love you all!! I know things will be getting even busier, but just know how much I love you! :)


Gwen said...

Leighann, that is so awesome!

Magi & Tom said...

You will do great.